Human Culture

Terror Bird Human Culture Lyrics
1.Married Women

2.We Were Monsters



5.She's A Revolutionary

6.Make Believe

7.If We Escape

8.Dumb Sick

9.Keep Me Haunted

10.Human Life

11.Cheat Yourself

12.Last Moment

13.Who's Sorry Now

In every whisper a shadow*
I saw you there. I saw it there. I saw it there.
In every witness, a loudmouth.
Who's sorry now?

When I had exhausted my pain,
I realized that a touch changes everything.
Darkness will never be here again.
Boredom and peace are forever over

Who lies behind the curtain?
I was so scared to tell you...
The words dripping off my lips onto the ground

Evading you.

Oh won't you take my hand?
I'll join you in your misery.
Dark, faceless people walk in places
Where I've seen you walking home from

I have never been so happy
I have never been so destitute

I'll follow you to the end
The rising of instincts preserving our love
Preserving my love